You might be wondering just exactly how inbound works. Well, inbound marketing better positions your company to get found by your customers by developing an online presence that speaks to them and their specific needs. The four actions of inbound marketing are attracting visitors, converting leads, closing customers, and delighting fans. In the ELIV8 infographic below, you'll learn about 21 inbound marketing growth strategies to increase your revenue.
It's true that having an active business blog is essential to a successful content marketing strategy. However, there are are a lot other awesome content marketing ideas you can try that don't just involve blogging and they're easy to do! Oracle has made a great infographic about 12 content marketing ideas worth trying that aren't blog posts. Check it out below!
Updated for 2021! Discover how to 10X your sales funnel, gain massive awareness, and stay ahead of your competition. Subscribe to the Velocity23 blog and download your free copy now!
Are you maximizing your lead generation efforts? An optimized email marketing strategy will keep your leads engaged and converting, but you need to keep your list growing. The ELIV8 infographic below will show you all the different ways you can grow your email list fast so you can continue converting more leads and sales.
You may ask, "What makes someone want to share an infographic?" The answer is hard to quantify because there are many characteristics that make up a popular infographic. While there's no "right answer", there are a lot of things you can do to make your infographics shareable. In the Siege Media infographic below, you'll learn about the science of creating infographics and how to make yours stand out while still connecting with your audience.
Digital images fill up our inboxes, take up computer memory space and take time to load on a web page. When working with digital image files there are certain file types to use for each circumstance. In the WhoIsHostingThis? infographic below, you'll learn more about what these digital file formats are and when you should be using them.
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Updated for 2021! Discover how to 10X your sales funnel, gain massive awareness, and stay ahead of your competition. Subscribe to the Velocity23 blog and download your free copy now!
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