Have you ever done a Google search, found what looks to be a great link, clicked and it's a post from two years ago and the content isn't relevant anymore? So you head to the home page of that particular site thinking there may be some more up-to-date info and nothing? They haven't put up a new blog post in months? Blogging isn't a trend or a fad. You don't just jump on the blogging bandwagon. It should be a key part of your marketing strategy. And nothing says "we don't care!" faster than a blog that isn't active. You leave a bad taste in the mouth of your visitors and can pretty much guarantee they won't be coming back. And by active, we mean at least one post a week, but two or three is better.
Social Media | Content Marketing | Strategy | Lead Generation
You've realized how important a business blog is and are churning out some great content for your audience. That's awesome! But you ask yourself, "Why are my views and engagement levels not where I want them to be?" The answer may seem simple, but it's crucial to the success of your blog. Knowing the best time to post a blog will boost traffic and you'll see more engagement, people commenting and sharing your post. The great people over at KISSmetrics have created the infographic below from their "The Science of Social Timing" series to help you optimize your posting times and reach your business blogging goals.
Updated for 2021! Discover how to 10X your sales funnel, gain massive awareness, and stay ahead of your competition. Subscribe to the Velocity23 blog and download your free copy now!
Content Marketing | Strategy | Lead Generation
Are you looking for the absolute, hands-down, best way to attract high quality leads and customers to your business? Are you wondering why the traditional marketing tactics you’ve always used aren’t working as well as they used to (or even at all) anymore? Chances are if you’re in a marketing role today, life is challenging. It’s likely that the old marketing tactics you’ve always used like trade shows, direct mail and buying mailing lists probably aren’t turning out the results they used to. The world has changed and customers are now in control. That means that you need to change the way you market. A great content marketing strategy is the best way to bring these customers to you and lead them down your marketing funnel.
Analytics & Data | Getting Found | Strategy
It's not something that should be a really big surprise: the digital divide from viewing media online versus print has been growing steadily. But 2013 is the first year where digital devices were used to view media more than any other form. Print, radio and yes, even television, are no longer the dominant sources for media. People are spending more time on their computers, phones and tablets than anything else.
Content Marketing | Getting Found | Strategy
If you own a business and don't already have a blog, you're letting all sorts of exciting opportunities pass you by. Blogging for your business is one of the most effective ways to improve its online visibility. Without a blog, standing out and demonstrating that your company is awesome isn't easy. If the idea of starting and maintaining a blog overwhelms you, think of it this way: It's a way to have conversations with people who are interested in your products and services. A blog allows you to connect in a meaningful way with the people who visit your site, and that's truly priceless.
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Updated for 2021! Discover how to 10X your sales funnel, gain massive awareness, and stay ahead of your competition. Subscribe to the Velocity23 blog and download your free copy now!
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