The world of internet marketing is an unpredictable one. With so many variables to adapt to, it is sometimes difficult to choose an effective marketing strategy and stick with it. Consumer trends are always changing, as are the social media platforms that they use on a daily basis. The best way to tackle this uncertainty is to look at the important marketing statistics and trends on a yearly basis and work your marketing goals and objectives around them for optimized results.
Email Marketing | Inbound Marketing
Over the past couple articles in this series I’ve talked about the drastic shift in buyer behaviour we’re experiencing as more and more buyers turn to the Internet to do their research before making a purchase decision. (See part one or part two.) As you’ve likely experienced, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to market and sell to the modern buyer as they continue to tune out the mass marketing methods we’ve used forever.
Updated for 2021! Discover how to 10X your sales funnel, gain massive awareness, and stay ahead of your competition. Subscribe to the Velocity23 blog and download your free copy now!
Social Media | Content Marketing
Do you know about the blogging power that is Tumblr? If you're not too familiar with this social blogging power, this infographic from Mashable is full of stats that show just how fast Tumblr is growing and why you should be incorporating this platform into your content marketing and blogging plans.
Social Media | Inbound Marketing | Content Marketing
Are you wanting to take advantage of the valuable marketing tactic that is content curation, but don't know where to start? Content curation is an essential tactic for marketers and businesses. Below, you will learn what curating content is all about, why you should be doing it and a few awesome curation tools you should be using. This infographic by Uberflip will get you on your way to becoming a curating pro!
Inbound Marketing | Content Marketing | Lead Generation
In part one of this series I talked about how drastically buyer behaviour has changed in the past few years. If you missed that article you can read it here. We talked about how the world has gone digital and there’s an abundance of information available to anyone who has an Internet connection. What’s changed is that people rely far less on gathering their “research” from sales people and are now searching for questions to their answers online, and seeking recommendations from their family, friends and colleagues.
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Updated for 2021! Discover how to 10X your sales funnel, gain massive awareness, and stay ahead of your competition. Subscribe to the Velocity23 blog and download your free copy now!
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