
We help home builders and developers upgrade their marketing, sales and operations processes so they can grow and scale their business, and sell more homes.

Blog Feature

Social Media

Get Your Social Media Marketing Done In 30 Minutes [Infographic]

By: Velocity23

How much time do you spend on social media per day on your business? 10 minutes? Half an hour, one hour, two or more? I know a lot of business owners that spend hours a day on social media. They say they are marketing but the only thing growing is their social posts, not their business.

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Blog Feature


Your Homepage - 12 Key Elements You Must Have [Infographic]

By: Velocity23

Your homepage plays a vital role in the success of your business online. Typically, it is the one page with the most traffic and it will usually be the one that comes up first in search engine results. So the question you're probably asking is "what should I put on my homepage"? This post has what you need to know.

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Mapping The Home Buying Journey

Updated for 2021! Discover how to 10X your sales funnel, gain massive awareness, and stay ahead of your competition. Subscribe to the Velocity23 blog and download your free copy now!

Blog Feature

Content Marketing

Video Marketing - 21 Ideas You Need To Know [Infographic]

By: Velocity23

Video marketing. It sounds exciting and fun! You know you should be producing more videos and getting your message out there, using video since it is one of the most popular mediums to date.

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Blog Feature


Marketing Automation - Your Handy Thesaurus [Infographic]

By: Velocity23

Having trouble figuring out what exactly your fancy new marketing automation software is talking about? Don't worry, tech companies actually hire people to develop confusing new terms for a standard feature, so they appear to be huge innovators in the industry...

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Blog Feature

Content Marketing

Content Creation - 17 Tips To Crush Your Competition [Infographic]

By: Velocity23

I'm really excited about our infographic this week - we're going to teach you 17 tips you can use in your content to create pieces that crush your competition's content. Now that so many businesses are joining the content creation arena, it's getting harder to stand out. Fortunately, there are research firms that go out and find trends with content that converts, gets shared, has a high CTR and ranks better in the SERPs.

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Mapping The Home Buying Journey

Updated for 2021! Discover how to 10X your sales funnel, gain massive awareness, and stay ahead of your competition. Subscribe to the Velocity23 blog and download your free copy now!