
We help home builders and developers upgrade their marketing, sales and operations processes so they can grow and scale their business, and sell more homes.

Blog Feature

Content Marketing

Blogging Shmogging: Does Content Marketing Really Help You Sell Homes?

By: Velocity23

Blogging... You know you should be doing it. You should have a company blog. It's a fundamental component to a solid content marketing strategy. Realistically, you don't have a content marketing plan without a blog.

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Blog Feature


Announcing: Marketing Ninjas Video Services!

By: Velocity23

It's not a new idea... you know you need to have video as part of your overall marketing strategy. Video isn't going anywhere. In fact, 81% of businesses are using video as a marketing tool, which is up from 63% in 2017.

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Mapping The Home Buying Journey

Updated for 2021! Discover how to 10X your sales funnel, gain massive awareness, and stay ahead of your competition. Subscribe to the Velocity23 blog and download your free copy now!

Blog Feature

Inbound Marketing

Why The 'Doing What We've Always Done' Mentality Is A Death Sentence For Today's Home Builder

By: Velocity23

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” - Henry Ford We've all heard it before. But how does it apply to you as a home builder? On the surface, it seems simple. Keep doing what you're doing if you like the results. But the issue here is what used to work, no longer does. And continuing to try to make it work is a slow, but inevitable death.

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Blog Feature

Lead Generation

Home Buyer Lead Nurturing 101: From Newsletter Subscriber to Showhome Visitor

By: Velocity23

You've built up a sizeable list of newsletter subscribers. That's awesome! But now what? Your goal is to sell more homes and it seems like no one is ready to buy yet. You don't want to scare away your newest leads, so it's time to come up with a plan for moving them from just an interested subscriber to a sales qualified lead who wants to tour your showhomes.

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Blog Feature


The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Home Marketers

By: Velocity23

Perhaps you're reading this right now because you've just been hired at a home building company and you want to show them how much of a marketing rockstar you really are. Excellent - you've come to the right place. We're going to show you the seven habits of highly effective new home marketers and how to develop them so you can really shine in your new position.

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Mapping The Home Buying Journey

Updated for 2021! Discover how to 10X your sales funnel, gain massive awareness, and stay ahead of your competition. Subscribe to the Velocity23 blog and download your free copy now!