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5 Mobile Marketing Mistakes to Avoid [Infographic]

Written by Velocity23 | Wed, April 15, 2015

Is your mobile marketing strategy lacking or non-existent? Are you struggling to get the results you want? Now is the time to fix your strategy and get on the mobile bandwagon, especially with Google announcing their upcoming mobile-friendly algorithm update. Sites that are optimized for mobile will see a major boost in search rankings.

In the Formstack infographic below, you'll discover the five major mobile marketing mistakes to avoid and why they're hurting your mobile strategy.

The 5 Mobile Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

1. Not Building an App or Mobile Optimized Site.

You need a mobile site designed for mobile! Consumers today don't have the patience to navigate poorly functioning mobile sites. Fortunately, these upgrades do pay off. Unique clicks are 15% greater on mobile-optimized websites, which is a can amount to a significant boost in traffic.

2. Not Optimizing for Tablets, Too.

Don't forget - there's more than one kind of mobile device out there. Make sure your mobile site renders just as well on tablets of all sizes as it does on the traditional smartphone screen.

3. A Lackluster Call to Action.

When users grab a smartphone to search, they have a specific intention - whether it's food, an appointment or a coupon. Make it incredibly easy for them with a well-defined call-to-action button. Average smartphone conversion rates are up 64% compared to those on desktops, so don't miss out on a great opportunity to add more leads and close them.

4. No Social Autofiil.

If your forms are too long, your visitors will leave! Offering social autofill not only reduces time on site - it's a sanity saver, too. 64% of mobile users leave sites due to forgotten logins and lack of autofill success.

5. Too Much Content on Your Mobile Site

The quantity of content on your mobile site (and its quality) is a big part of the design equation. Mobile screens are smaller, so it's harder to scroll. Make sure your most important content displays in the top few pixels of the page.

Avoiding these mobile marketing mistakes and having a responsive website with these must-have elements will help you reach your inbound marketing goals. Don't wait, now is the time to get started and use the new Google algorithm update to your advantage. 



Was this infographic on the 5 Mobile Marketing Mistakes to Avoid helpful to your business? What are some things you're already doing to optimize your website for mobile? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!