Are you happy with your email marketing results? If your emails aren't getting the response you want, there are a few common email marketing mistakes you might be making. Not to worry though, because the Mailify infographic below highlights some areas you may not have thought to look at and they're easy to fix. Avoiding these mistakes in your emails will help optimize your email marketing campaigns and bring more leads into your funnel.
Here are the six email marketing don'ts that might be hurting your click-rates and lead generation:
Personalize your emails to stay out of the email blast black hole. Personalized subject lines see open rates that are about 20% higher.
51% of all emails are now opened on a mobile device. Additionally, 70% of consumers immediately disregard an email that doesn't render properly on their mobile device.
Failing to organize your database and send messages relevant to specific segments is sure to cause your campaigns to miss the mark, and get trapped in the inboxes of the wrong readers. Try using these proven list segmentation tips to help you achieve the email marketing results you want.
Like a free game, use this bonus opportunity to optimize the preview pane and convince users to open your message. Using the pre-header only for a link to the web version is an easy trap to avoid.
First impressions matter, so don't let your readers get caught in a jumbled mess of crazy colours, typos, and a lack of direction. As a part of your email marketing strategy, you'll want to design a template that looks good and sends your readers the right message about your brand.
If your readers are unclear about what to do next, you've missed your shot to connect with readers and convert them into action-takers. This is one marketing mistake you can't afford to make because CTAs drive new leads and customers for your business. Be clear and concise about what action you want them to take and show them why they should.
Avoiding these common errors in your email marketing will result in more opens, clicks and ultimately more leads for you to nurture through the buyer's journey.
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