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Brewing With Substance: 8 Steps to Creating Great Content [Infographic]

Written by Velocity23 | Wed, August 19, 2015

Brewing good beer and creating great content have a lot in common. They're both fresh, fun to share, and leave your customers smiling.

So how do you brew the best content?

Follow the steps in the Kapost infographic below to become a master of the craft.

Know Your Audience

Before hopping into content production, find out what your audience likes. Take time to research their tastes and where they overlap with the value your brand provides.

Keep a Variety of Content On Tap

Offer a variety of styles to satisfy different needs. Focus on a few tried-and-true content types, then surprise them with small batches of bold, unique creations. 

Lager -  Light and easy to consume, lager-like content appeals to a broad audience. Think top-of-the-funnel assets like blog posts and website copy.

IPA - This kind of content, much like the style of brew, is more daring and flavourful. It might be an edgier blog post, interactive quiz, or eye-catching design. Your biggest fans will drink it up. 

Porter - Just like a porter, this content is rich and satisfying. Beautiful visuals realized through infographics or SlideShares could fall in this category.

Stout - When your audience is ready for something hearty and robust, they'll turn to a stout. Give them e-books and whitepapers with ample detail and actionable advice.

The Ingredient List

  • Gather internal resources.
  • Tap into real-world knowledge.
  • Use audience-specific relevancy.
  • Utilize your team's creativity.

Content Planning

Next, filter through your ideas. Look at current trending topics, available resources, and requests from other teams to redefine your strategy.


This is where the magic happens. Stir it all together with writing, design, and collaboration. Give yourself enough time to create a perfectly balanced result. 


It's now time to review and refine your content to its ideal final state. During the distilling phase, seek internal buy-in and make any finishing touches. Only the smoothest content should be sent out to your audience.


Prepare your content for delivery. You can ship can-sized blog posts, bomber-sized content bundles, or large research pieces big enough to fill a keg.


After all that brewing, make sure your content is consumed and enjoyed! Ship via social channels, industry spaces, and influencer programs. And don't forget to share with friends!

A delicious, well-balanced beer is the result of a dedicated teams's hard work. So is your content marketing. All that behind-the-scenes effort is worth it when you share crisp, appealing content with thirsty readers. 

Was this infographic on Creating Great Content helpful? Which steps need improvement in your content marketing strategy? Let us know in the comments below!